Mr President, what planet do you live on?

(photo page by Red Dwyer) “Se fue porque el Presidente Obama promete amnestia y permiso…” This was a Honduran woman in answer to the reason her teen age son went to the United States: “He went because President Obama is promising amnesty and permission..” Now Mr. President, you are fund raising some 250 miles from the …

Our Endangered Constitution

We live in an age of deceit. It is alarming to hear the elected leaders of this great nation resort to falsehoods and what is tantamount to treachery in their communications with the citizenry. Upon taking office the President takes an oath to uphold the Constitution:“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully …

They Would Not Vote for a Mormon

As stated in the article, (The ‘Mormon Effect” Federalist, per a Gallup Poll in June of last year, a full 22 percent of the people said they would not vote for a Mormon. I predicted as much. Many a conservative and Republican preferred the current situation to voting for a Mormon, so they didn’t …