I felt impressed, late one evening, to call a man I had great respect for. He was weeping, this strong man carrying many burdens, this great leader in righteousness, some twenty years my senior in age. As we spoke I assured him of the love I had for him, and of the love and admiration of so many who knew him, because of his kindness and life of unselfish service to others. Between sobs, he thanked me. Oh yes, he was a man who understood the value of gratitude; he was grateful I had called! Later his wife told me that I would not know in this life how much that call meant to him. He is gone now, but his memory is forever engraved in the hearts of so many who were touched by his example. And I shall ever be grateful, that to me was extended the privilege of calling him in his moment of need, and in that moment, to lighten his load. How blessed we shall be, if we do not ignore the promptings to reach out to another in need. In that moment, we are on the Lord’s errand.