Today in a world filled with heart rending scenes of violence upon the innocent, more than ever we need ask ourselves in the soberest tones, “how can I make a difference?” The answer lies in another question, oft repeated in a frivolous manner, but most meaningful if asked with real intent: “what would Jesus do?” …
Tag Archives: love
They Who Teach Ought Make a Difference
I had in my karate class many years ago a sweet young lady who had just graduated from college. Her degree was in education. “Mr. Lopez, I have two job offers. One is in Dallas in an affluent school district. The other is just the opposite, in the Rio Grande Valley. I don’t know which …
Whoso Shall Offend One of These Little Ones
Every little one who enters into this realm of life, ought to be treasured, and loved. There can be no excuse for the abuse of little ones, none whatsoever. That father, or that mother, who abuse and brutalize the little ones over whom they have been given stewardship, will one day answer before God. The …
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