A Vote for the Constitution

I am no supporter of Donald Trump, but with reluctance have come to the decision that I must vote for him, and not for some third party candidate which would only serve to elect the opposing candidate. My reasons are as follows, simply put, that all might understand. I am a lover of the United …

Enlightenment via District of Columbia vs Heller

We live in a time when the majority of the people of this land have little or no understanding of the Constitution. What they do not understand they cannot appreciate, and are thus in danger of losing precious freedoms granted to them by the God of this land, who is Jesus Christ, even the Author …

Frustrated, Mr. President

You brought up Ferguson Missouri in your UN speech, today (9/24/14) Mr President, perhaps on a par with terrorism, beheadings, etc? Sad, in that you also brought up the rule of law. Is not that young police officer given guarantees under the Constitution, even innocent until proven guilty? You are in essence pronouncing him guilty …