“You shall be comforted”

Some three decades past, I was called by my brother in law to my sister’s side at the hospital. My beloved younger sister was in mourning, having just delivered a still born babe. The baby had passed some days before birth, denying his heart broken mother the opportunity of taking him into her arms to …

He lives!

Some years ago I attended the funeral of a beloved student whose grief stricken parents had no religion to turn to. A religious service was quickly organized, but I have not forgotten the feeling of awful and utter desolation accompanying the parents in their moment of unimaginable grief. Where was their boy? Were they never …

A powerful witness of Jesus Christ

In these perilous and trying times, the Book of Mormon is a powerful witness of Jesus Christ, for it testifies throughout its pages, with power and conviction, and without the slightest equivocation, that Jesus is the Christ, the Redeemer of the world. With neither wobbling nor oscillation, it predicts our fate if we heed Him …

Like Unto Jesus

There is something to be said about humility in a man. That the proud eventually fall is an uncontested truism. The proud tend to selfishness, and serve no one. The humble man on the other hand, is acquainted with service. In serving others he serves God, for in serving, he patterns his life after the …

Reverence our Redeemer

I have always held in kind regard my kinsmen, the Maori people of New Zealand. Here comes one of the greatest Moari singers of all time, Sir Howard Morrison, singing the beautiful hymn, “Whakaaria Mai” or as we know it “How Great Thou Art” on the occasion of a visit to New Zealand by Elizabeth, …