When through the deep waters I call thee to go

We have come into this life facing one common end, that being to finally arrive at that state we call death. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven,” said the teacher. “A time to be born, and a time to die.”(Ecclesiastes 3: 12) There is probably no …

“You shall be comforted”

Some three decades past, I was called by my brother in law to my sister’s side at the hospital. My beloved younger sister was in mourning, having just delivered a still born babe. The baby had passed some days before birth, denying his heart broken mother the opportunity of taking him into her arms to …

He lives!

Some years ago I attended the funeral of a beloved student whose grief stricken parents had no religion to turn to. A religious service was quickly organized, but I have not forgotten the feeling of awful and utter desolation accompanying the parents in their moment of unimaginable grief. Where was their boy? Were they never …